390 research outputs found

    Synthetic biology—putting engineering into biology

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    Synthetic biology is interpreted as the engineering-driven building of increasingly complex biological entities for novel applications. Encouraged by progress in the design of artificial gene networks, de novo DNA synthesis and protein engineering, we review the case for this emerging discipline. Key aspects of an engineering approach are purpose-orientation, deep insight into the underlying scientific principles, a hierarchy of abstraction including suitable interfaces between and within the levels of the hierarchy, standardization and the separation of design and fabrication. Synthetic biology investigates possibilities to implement these requirements into the process of engineering biological systems. This is illustrated on the DNA level by the implementation of engineering-inspired artificial operations such as toggle switching, oscillating or production of spatial patterns. On the protein level, the functionally self-contained domain structure of a number of proteins suggests possibilities for essentially Lego-like recombination which can be exploited for reprogramming DNA binding domain specificities or signaling pathways. Alternatively, computational design emerges to rationally reprogram enzyme function. Finally, the increasing facility of de novo DNA synthesis—synthetic biology’s system fabrication process—supplies the possibility to implement novel designs for ever more complex systems. Some of these elements have merged to realize the first tangible synthetic biology applications in the area of manufacturing of pharmaceutical compounds.

    In Silico Genome-Scale Reconstruction and Validation of the Staphylococcus aureus Metabolic Network

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    A genome-scale metabolic model of the Gram-positive, facultative anaerobic opportunistic pathogen Staphylococcus aureus N315 was constructed based on current genomic data, literature, and physiological information. The model comprises 774 metabolic processes representing approximately 23% of all protein-coding regions. The model was extensively validated against experimental observations and it correctly predicted main physiological properties of the wild-type strain, such as aerobic and anaerobic respiration and fermentation. Due to the frequent involvement of S. aureus in hospital-acquired bacterial infections combined with its increasing antibiotic resistance, we also investigated the clinically relevant phenotype of small colony variants and found that the model predictions agreed with recent findings of proteome analyses. This indicates that the model is useful in assisting future experiments to elucidate the interrelationship of bacterial metabolism and resistance. To help directing future studies for novel chemotherapeutic targets, we conducted a large-scale in silico gene deletion study that identified 158 essential intracellular reactions. A more detailed analysis showed that the biosynthesis of glycans and lipids is rather rigid with respect to circumventing gene deletions, which should make these areas particularly interesting for antibiotic development. The combination of this stoichiometric model with transcriptomic and proteomic data should allow a new quality in the analysis of clinically relevant organisms and a more rationalized system-level search for novel drug targets.

    Single cell metabolomics

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    Recent discoveries suggest that cells of a clonal population often display multiple metabolic phenotypes at the same time. Motivated by the success of mass spectrometry (MS) in the investigation of population-level metabolomics, the analytical community has initiated efforts towards MS-based single cell metabolomics to investigate metabolic phenomena that are buried under the population average. Here, we review the current approaches and illustrate their advantages and disadvantages. Because of significant advances in the field, different technologies are now at the verge of generating data that are useful for exploring and investigating metabolic heterogeneity

    A divide-and-conquer approach to analyze underdetermined biochemical models

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    Motivation: To obtain meaningful predictions from dynamic computational models, their uncertain parameter values need to be estimated from experimental data. Due to the usually large number of parameters compared to the available measurement data, these estimation problems are often underdetermined meaning that the solution is a multidimensional space. In this case, the challenge is yet to obtain a sound system understanding despite non-identifiable parameter values, e.g. through identifying those parameters that most sensitively determine the model's behavior. Results: Here, we present the so-called divide-and-conquer approach—a strategy to analyze underdetermined biochemical models. The approach draws on steady state omics measurement data and exploits a decomposition of the global estimation problem into independent subproblems. The solutions to these subproblems are joined to the complete space of global optima, which can be easily analyzed. We derive the conditions at which the decomposition occurs, outline strategies to fulfill these conditions and—using an example model—illustrate how the approach uncovers the most important parameters and suggests targeted experiments without knowing the exact parameter values. Contact: [email protected] Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics onlin

    Synthetic biology—putting engineering into biology

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    Synthetic biology is interpreted as the engineering-driven building of increasingly complex biological entities for novel applications. Encouraged by progress in the design of artificial gene networks, de novo DNA synthesis and protein engineering, we review the case for this emerging discipline. Key aspects of an engineering approach are purpose-orientation, deep insight into the underlying scientific principles, a hierarchy of abstraction including suitable interfaces between and within the levels of the hierarchy, standardization and the separation of design and fabrication. Synthetic biology investigates possibilities to implement these requirements into the process of engineering biological systems. This is illustrated on the DNA level by the implementation of engineering-inspired artificial operations such as toggle switching, oscillating or production of spatial patterns. On the protein level, the functionally self-contained domain structure of a number of proteins suggests possibilities for essentially Lego-like recombination which can be exploited for reprogramming DNA binding domain specificities or signaling pathways. Alternatively, computational design emerges to rationally reprogram enzyme function. Finally, the increasing facility of de novo DNA synthesis—synthetic biology's system fabrication process—supplies the possibility to implement novel designs for ever more complex systems. Some of these elements have merged to realize the first tangible synthetic biology applications in the area of manufacturing of pharmaceutical compounds. Contact: [email protected]

    Optimization of Enzymatic Gas-Phase Reactions by Increasing the Long-Term Stability of the Catalyst

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    Enzymatic gas-phase reactions are usually performed in continuous reactors, and thus very stable and active catalysts are required to perform such transformations on cost-effective levels. The present work is concerned with the reduction of gaseous acetophenone to enantiomerically pure (R)-1-phenylethanol catalyzed by solid alcohol dehydrogenase from Lactobacillus brevis (LBADH), immobilized onto glass beads. Initially, the catalyst preparation displayed a half-life of 1 day under reaction conditions at 40 °C and at a water activity of 0.5. It was shown that the observed decrease in activity is due to a degradation of the enzyme itself (LBADH) and not of the co-immobilized cofactor NADP. By the addition of sucrose to the cell extract before immobilization of the enzyme, the half-life of the catalyst preparation (at 40 °C) was increased 40 times. The stabilized catalyst preparation was employed in a continuous gas-phase reactor at different temperatures (25-60 °C). At 50 °C, a space-time yield of 107 g/L/d was achieved within the first 80 h of continuous reaction.

    Quantifying intracellular glucose levels when yeast is grown in glucose media

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    In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, intracellular glucose levels impact glucose transport and regulate carbon metabolism via various glucose sensors. To investigate mechanisms of glucose sensing, it is essential to know the intracellular glucose concentrations. Measuring intracellular glucose concentrations, however, is challenging when cells are grown on glucose, as glucose in the water phase around cells or stuck to the cell surface can be carried over during cell sampling and in the following attributed to intracellular glucose, resulting in an overestimation of intracellular glucose concentrations. Using lactose as a carryover marker in the growth medium, we found that glucose carryover originates from both the water phase and from sticking to the cell surface. Using a hexokinase null strain to estimate the glucose carryover from the cell surface, we found that glucose stuck on the cell surface only contributes a minor fraction of the carryover. To correct the glucose carryover, we revisited L-glucose as a carryover marker. Here, we found that L-glucose slowly enters cells. Thus, we added L-glucose to yeast cultures growing on uniformly 13C-labeled D-glucose only shortly before sampling. Using GC-MS to distinguish between the two differently labeled sugars and subtracting the carryover effect, we determined the intracellular glucose concentrations among two yeast strains with distinct kinetics of glucose transport to be at 0.89 mM in the wild-type strain and around 0.24 mM in a mutant with compromised glucose uptake. Together, our study provides insight into the origin of the glucose carryover effect and suggests that L-glucose added to the culture shortly before sampling is a possible method that yet has limitations with regard to measurement accuracy. </p

    Genetics - Getting closer to the whole picture

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    A quantitative data set of RNA, proteins, and metabolites provides an unprecedented starting point to understand, at a systems level, the effects of perturbations on a cell

    How bacteria recognise and respond to surface contact

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    Bacterial biofilms can cause medical problems and issues in technical systems. While a large body of knowledge exists on the phenotypes of planktonic and of sessile cells in mature biofilms, our understanding of what happens when bacteria change from the planktonic to the sessile state is still very incomplete. Fundamental questions are unanswered: for instance, how do bacteria sense that they are in contact with a surface, and what are the very initial cellular responses to surface contact. Here, we review the current knowledge on the signals that bacteria could perceive once they attach to a surface, the signal transduction systems that could be involved in sensing the surface contact and the cellular responses that are triggered as a consequence to surface contact ultimately leading to biofilm formation. Finally, as the main obstacle in investigating the initial responses to surface contact has been the difficulty to experimentally study the dynamic response of single cells upon surface attachment, we also review recent experimental approaches that could be employed to study bacterial surface sensing, which ultimately could lead to an improved understanding of how biofilm formation could be prevented

    Systematic assignment of thermodynamic constraints in metabolic network models

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    BACKGROUND: The availability of genome sequences for many organisms enabled the reconstruction of several genome-scale metabolic network models. Currently, significant efforts are put into the automated reconstruction of such models. For this, several computational tools have been developed that particularly assist in identifying and compiling the organism-specific lists of metabolic reactions. In contrast, the last step of the model reconstruction process, which is the definition of the thermodynamic constraints in terms of reaction directionalities, still needs to be done manually. No computational method exists that allows for an automated and systematic assignment of reaction directions in genome-scale models. RESULTS: We present an algorithm that – based on thermodynamics, network topology and heuristic rules – automatically assigns reaction directions in metabolic models such that the reaction network is thermodynamically feasible with respect to the production of energy equivalents. It first exploits all available experimentally derived Gibbs energies of formation to identify irreversible reactions. As these thermodynamic data are not available for all metabolites, in a next step, further reaction directions are assigned on the basis of network topology considerations and thermodynamics-based heuristic rules. Briefly, the algorithm identifies reaction subsets from the metabolic network that are able to convert low-energy co-substrates into their high-energy counterparts and thus net produce energy. Our algorithm aims at disabling such thermodynamically infeasible cyclic operation of reaction subnetworks by assigning reaction directions based on a set of thermodynamics-derived heuristic rules. We demonstrate our algorithm on a genome-scale metabolic model of E. coli. The introduced systematic direction assignment yielded 130 irreversible reactions (out of 920 total reactions), which corresponds to about 70% of all irreversible reactions that are required to disable thermodynamically infeasible energy production. CONCLUSION: Although not being fully comprehensive, our algorithm for systematic reaction direction assignment could define a significant number of irreversible reactions automatically with low computational effort. We envision that the presented algorithm is a valuable part of a computational framework that assists the automated reconstruction of genome-scale metabolic models